William D Jackson

William D Jackson

William Jackson graduated from South Carolina State University earning a
Bachelor’s in Education, furthering his education earning a Masters of Arts
in Teaching from Webster University with a focus on Educational Technology, Social Media and STEAM.

William’s career involves past teaching with NASA as an Internet and technology instructor in collaboration with in higher education. Technology consultant with the Florida Department of Education where he taught educational access to the Internet to teachers in Northeast Florida and presented at major conferences in Florida, Georgia and South Carolina.
William has been involved in the field of education over 30 years in elementary and higher education teaching Physical and Health Education and STEAM.

Yes that is right he is a PE Teacher.

William is not only an educator, he is a Social Media Digital Innovator, Digital Creative, Blogger and Micro-blogger. A Social Media Digital Community Liaison with TEDx Florida State College of Jacksonville.
He is a Ford Motor Company VIP Blogger where he travels
and blogs on community events sponsored by Ford Motor Company.
William has been involved with WordCamp conferences since 2011 and appreciates the WordCamp community, the open source community and tech community.

He attributes his growth, development, passion and a continued purpose to collaborate, connect and create content to what he has learned and continues to learn while attending, volunteering, sponsoring, organizing, promoting and advocating for the WordPress community.
William shares his experiences with students at his school and across Jacksonville and Northeast Florida and Southeast Georgia.

His personal blog is located at:
My Quest To Teach – https://MyQuestToTeach.com/
You can hear his blog on Alexia and Google.”
