Get your site on HTTPS. No excuses.

“As more and more of the internet’s traffic travels over HTTPS, it becomes more and more obvious when a site fails to offer a secure connection. At this point, there’s no reason for your site to be one of them.

Despite assertions that an encrypted connection only matters for credit card transactions, TLS is an important technology that is of massive benefit to the privacy of your users in an increasingly hostile internet. A lack of available encryption makes your site look unprofessional at best, and at worst it tells your users their browsing privacy is unimportant to you.

In this talk, we’ll look at the real differences between HTTP and HTTPS traffic to illustrate just how much data is made visible on an unencrypted connection. We’ll examine real-world examples of ISPs manipulating the HTTP traffic of their users, and why it would have been impossible over HTTPS. Lastly, we’ll go over the resources available for implementing TLS on your sites, most likely for free.”
